
jul 26 2024 - the death of search

jun 29 2024 - dealing with copyright

may 22 2024 - on anti-features

may 14 2024 - installing postmarketOS on a Duet 3

apr 22 2024 - why every television sucks too

apr 11 2024 - the problem with porn ID laws

mar 11 2024 - social media is a terrible business

mar 04 2024 - why i don't like noncommercial licenses

feb 09 2024 - how to change your name (as a transgender person in Maryland)

jan 15 2024 - an opinionated guide to alt text

jan 03 2024 - implementing geoIP filtering with Caddy

dec 27 2023 - accessibility is the secret to SEO

dec 12 2023 - how Reddit did what Tumblr couldn't

nov 15 2023 - the imitation game has been won

oct 24 2023 - why every microwave sucks these days, and the death of instant pot

oct 10 2023 - on the conservation of energy

sep 02 2023 - how Paw Patrol snacks ended up linking to porn

aug 26 2023 - there are two Webs

jul 18 2023 - capitalism is a paperclip optimizer

jul 06 2023 - setting up a simple age gate with Caddy

jul 01 2023 - making an illegal prime number

may 20 2023 - how to make your own website from scratch

may 03 2023 - a reasonable way to create backups on Linux

apr 12 2023 - why computer glitches sometimes spit out nonsensical Chinese

mar 29 2023 - the fediverse isn't private, and that's okay

mar 14 2023 - the definition of "computer"

jan 31 2023 - an introduction to the Fediverse

jan 01 2023 - it happened again

sep 28 2022 - most programming languages are fine, actually

jul 30 2022 - how to make cinnamon rolls

jun 21 2022 - how to write RSS by hand

jun 19 2022 - what the speed of light can tell us about everything

apr 27 2022 - how to prevent hotlinking with Caddy

dec 26 2021 - how to use GoAccess with Caddy

dec 25 2021 - the secret of Caddy's include template

dec 15 2021 - the problem with open source

dec 12 2021 - how to host a tor hidden service with Caddy

sep 04 2021 - the depth of creation

sep 01 2021 - what tbblobnoern can tell us about machine learning

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